Women’s History Month: A SWB Exclusive
In celebration of Women's History Month, join us as we highlight some trailblazing women who are paving a path for us to reach higher heights in the sports industry! I was grateful to connect with some incredible women as I've watched them throughout their career shine like the stars they are. If you're someone who's early in their career or in the midst of it, or stagnant and unsure of which direction to go, I hope this article helps uplift your spirits as you elevate into your purpose and see how trusting the journey is rewarding in the end.
As a woman in the sports industry, there is nothing more motivating than seeing women in leadership roles. This month the Dallas Cowboys hosted an event called "Ladies First: Breaking Barriers," the hybrid event celebrated women in the sports industry as they highlighted influential female figures who paved the way as the "first" to break barriers and hold prominent roles in the sports industry. While in attendance, I learned from key speakers and journalists Pam Oliver, and Aditi Kinkhabwala, who are not only just women in sports but women of color, both making a significant mark in the sports industry. So how do you find your purpose in a vast, predominately male industry? Pam Oliver has worked with Fox Sports on the NFL sidelines since 1995; Oliver shared the importance of being your authentic self and how it'll help you navigate to finding what you love to do. While being your authentic self, you are able to uncover your purpose and find exactly where you belong.
Aditi Kinkhabwala has worked for NFL Network for a decade and is a host on CBS Sports' We Need To Talk. During the "Ladies First: Breaking Barriers” webinar, Kinkhabwala reveals how crucial it is for men to innate the act of fairness while women shine on their platforms. In other words, it takes a village to help women break barriers within the sports industry and any other field you choose, and it starts with men celebrating women rising to the top in their careers. Kinkhabwala beautifully expressed how men must adjust and adapt to women excelling in male-dominant fields. And we couldn't agree more with her statement - it's always great to see men giving women the flowers they deserve.
Arielle Chambers, Founder of HighlightHER, a Forbes Under 30 Honoree, host, multi-media journalist, and women's sports advocate, spoke exclusively to SWB and shared some gems. When asked what advice she would give to a woman who’s pursuing a career in sports, Chambers highlighted the importance of not waiting for a “yes.”
“You're called to the table for a reason. So when you get to the table, don't be quiet. It's our space to occupy, and we don't need to wait for approval or wait for our yes," said Chambers.
Often women tend to be quiet in rooms where their voices should be heard. Some fear they won’t be taken seriously or suffer from imposture syndrome. Chambers reminds us that we’re called to the table for a reason. It is crucial for women to understand they deserve to be heard. Chambers urges women to continue to use their voice and know that they’re equipped and ready to occupy these positions in the sports industry.“These positions weren’t conventionally made for us,” Chambers states while expressing the need for women to understand they are qualified and deserve to be at that table.
Talaya Gaines, Vice President of Content Strategy and Original Programming at MSG Network, is another woman raising the bar high in the sports industry! Gaines shares exclusively with SWB on what characteristic trait is most important in this field.
“One of the most important characteristics to have in this competitive industry is to possess Unmitigated Focus. In an industry that can feel like a rat race from point of entry, it’s important to remember to pay attention to your short term and long term goals and be flexible enough to make in real time adjustments. It is important to minimize the distractions you create yourself because distractions will come without your aid, and its in those moments that unbridled and unmitigated focus will keep you on the right track. “
At the end of last year, Game Changers held a conference in New York filled with women thriving in the industry, which included Gaines. SBJ Spotlight spoke exclusively to Gaines, and she revealed how vital those events are. The speakers have the knowledge they can share and skill sets that can help navigate women to confidently occupy positions in a male-dominant industry.Attending those events, Gaines emphasizes how it helps equip women.
“It arms us with the necessary tools that we need when having conversations with our male counterparts,” said Gaines.
As we've highlighted some women well into their careers, what if you've just begun and have no idea where to start?
Brittany Bennett, Founder of Football Is Female, shares what encouraged her to start her journey revealing she was scared to share anything relating to football in front of men for the longest time despite her knowing how to hold her own in those conversations. Bennett reflects on how getting into the right mindset and moving with confidence can help one on their journey, as it has helped her in her career. She expresses the best part of her journey is how amazing it is to have a community of supporters help build a platform where her brand, FIF, successfully stands. Bennett emphasizes how amazing it is to start from the ground up with no fancy equipment, connections, or anything. We couldn’t agree more, and this self-starter built an organization where she was able to be purely authentic and gather a group of women who know their football! And even better, she’s paving the way for many to follow.
Throughout this article, we’ve uncovered some gems from a few stars in the sports industry. We’ve learned how crucial it is to remain authentic, and you’ll uncover your purpose as Pam and Aditi shared. Also, I hope you learned not to wait for your yes. Instead of waiting, just create it. Ari highlighted the importance of not chasing the big company but chasing your passion instead. Brittany revealed how putting in the work and remaining consistent can help build an empire. And Talaya expressed the need to have more events that revolve around women in sports to help equip one another with knowledge in a male-dominated industry. I hope this article has you more inspired than ever before.